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The Benefits of Resistance Training

It’s been five years since I committed myself to become a certified personal trainer. I began by looking for one of the premier recognized certification programs. I wanted the best certification and training, so I committed to prepare myself to complete the American College of Sports Medicine Certification program for Personal Trainers. I spent two years studying, attending personal training classes, participating in special preparatory workshops, getting First Aid and AED Certification, and doing extensive research into becoming a specialist in the field of personal training. I was successful and have spent the past three years honing my skills as an ACSM Certified free-lance personal trainer. My clients are varied, ranging from young athletes to retired seniors.

Resistance training is not the end all be all of fitness. It’s only one aspect, but it serves as a foundation. In other words, if a person is unaccustomed to physical activity, but wants to start and exercise program, they shouldn’t start jogging, nor should they start doing any type of interval training at high or even moderate intensities. They should start with weights. Lifting weights, or resistance training, strengthens you muscles, ligaments, and tendons, which will prepare your body for the various forms of stress it will undergo during other forms of exercise.

Resistance training (RT) works for everyone. Age is irrelevant. What matters is commitment, consistency, and a personal trainer who views each client as unique and has the ability to customize training programs to meet each client’s unique needs. I begin with my clients where they are and map out a program that guarantees success. RT is not a quick fix approach, but rather a lifetime approach. It is, in my estimation, essential to maintain personal fitness and good health as you age.

The one piece of advise I give to my clients and am now passing on to my readers is that whatever method of fitness a client decides upon, it has to be something that he or she can do for the rest of his/her life. Most people cannot do high impact exercise or high intensity interval training (HIIT) as a way of maintaining health for a lifetime. Some people cannot maintain an “insanity” approach as a lifestyle, but EVERYONE can do RT for the rest of his or her life. An investment in RT is an investment in yourself and your health.

There are a few people who can work alone and be methodical and successful, but I find in my experience that most people need a personal trainer for commitment, consistency, and sustainability. My goal for all my clients is to help them attain, maintain, and sustain.

How I work:

· My fees are reasonable, and I reserve the right to be compensated up front.

· Clients are responsible to be available for scheduled sessions. A client may cancel a session with 24 hours notice and MUST reschedule within a week or he or she forfeits the fee. Special accommodations are always made in circumstances over which the client lacks control.

· The client must have space available for IHT (In-Home Training).

· I make every session count so that your money works continually for you.

· I employ the principles of RT using the progressive overload model so that the client is always developing muscle strength, raising metabolism and increasing fat burning capacity.

· I recommend at least two sessions weekly. Three sessions are ideal. However, a client may combine his or her own personal workout sessions with personal training sessions.

RT works as evidenced by the results of a client (age 60+) with whom I have worked for one year. Prior to RT, my senior client had been diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia of the spine.

The client decided to continue calcium supplements, declined medication, and started RT in August of 2012. The client’s 2013 DEXA SCAN showed a 3% increase in BMD (bone mineral density). I worked with this client twice a week for one year. RT WORKS! It takes commitment, consistency, and a skilled personal trainer. Results are guaranteed.

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